Energy Insight Hub
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CEnergyInsightHub.Components.Pages.DashboardRepresents the dashboard component of the web application
 CEnergyInsightHub.Services.DashboardUpdaterMonitors a file for changes and updates the dashboard accordingly
 CEnergyInsightHub.Data.EnergyHubContextRepresents the database context for the EnergyInsightHub application
 CEnergyInsightHub.Hubs.DashboardHubRepresents a SignalR hub for updating the dashboard in real-time
 CEnergyInsightHub.Services.MeterReaderServiceService for managing the meter reader process
 CEnergyInsightHub.Models.ReadingRepresents a reading captured by an energy meter
 CEnergyInsightHub.Services.TransmissionServiceService for transmitting images from one directory to another
 CMeterReader.PhotoHandlerCreate Read when photo is added to folder