About this project

The goal of this project was to create a website/service that people from schools and colleges could use to use give away equipment that they no longer need.

To private individuals who could then use them for their own purposes.

For example an old laptop could be used as a Plex Server instead for instance amog lots of other things.

For Storing media like movies and videos.

You can use download the powerpoint presentation about this project using the button below:

Business Aspects

Business Aspects related to the business are:

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis was performed on this service.

The results of this SWOT analysis can be seen in the chart below:

SWOT Analysis Chart

This was done in order to be able to organise business resources in the proper way.

5 Year Plan

A 5 year plan was made out to see what would be the income and expenses for a business like this.

Alongside that the gross profit and net profit for those years covered is also included

5 Year Plan

Technical Aspects

Technologies Used






This project contains screens that have lots of purposes like:

Request Item Picture Close Listings Picture

Ethical Aspects and Impact

Promoting Re-Use

Promoting Proper Recycling

Reducing the Amount of Harmful Chemicals released into the Atmosphere