For my 4th Year Project, I created a React application using Firebase and NodeJS to allow a user to book an appointment with their vet from anywhere and at any time of day, as well as have the freedom to modify their details and if necessary, cancel their appointment.
This application is called PetSpace.
PetSpace would also allow for vets to securely log into the system, view and manage their appointments as well as create reports regarding the health of an individual pet. This report can later be modified.
Software Development Student
Current final year student in SoftwareProject Supervisor
Mr Paul Barry was my supervisor for the project.PetSpace is an online platform that offers a range of veterinary services such as:
Furthermore, when a customer books an appointment on PetSpace, they will receive an email confirmation with all of the relevant details about their appointment, including the date, time, and service requested. This confirmation ensures that customers have all the necessary information about their booking and can make any necessary preparations before the appointment.
Below are the Technologies used for PetSpace along with a brief description of what they are.
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for executing JavaScript code server-side.
React-Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides ready-to-use UI components for React applications.
JSX is an extension of JavaScript syntax that allows for the easy creation of React elements.
GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager that provides source code management, continuous integration and deployment, and other DevOps tools.
Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor developed by Microsoft that provides a range of features for web development, including debugging, syntax highlighting, and code completion.